August and Other Things

Where does the time go? It’s August already, and the sun is starting to set earlier. These heady summer days will disappear far too quickly for my liking, but there is no stopping it.

Work has kicked into high gear, so I’ve had my head down a bit, but it hasn’t kept me from getting out every day on the bike and enjoying the weather. And what weather it has been—intense summer! I hesitate to use the words “heat wave” because it’s been a “heat stretch” that will continue all this week into next. In fact, I don’t see the mercury dipping below +30 anytime soon, so it’s just, well, summer.

Last week was super toasty with days from +37 to +39, and after a refreshing weekend of +33 degrees, we’re back into the high-30s for the next seven days. I am beyond grateful for the use of Bertrand’s pool, and other than having to share it with the hot, somewhat irritable, thirsty wasps, it’s been a godsend. Soaking tired post-ride legs in cool-ish water is very healing. And having a private spot to relax is also very welcoming. Though I have to admit, I indulged and treated myself to a silent, cool night at Le Clos Saint Michel just up the road. They had a last-minute rate for a room, and I couldn’t resist an air conditioned suite even for 24 hours. Plus, the hotel is stunning and tranquil, and the rooms are soundproofed. It was a blissful, comfortable night, if a bit excessive.

But in this heat, the socializing has been subdued, which I think suits all of us. I did however host a little apéro for Claudine’s birthday, which Henk and Anita attended. I also met Rose for a lovely drink at the spa and met my Kiwi friends for a delightful catch-up over tasty sushi in an unexpected location. Later this week I’ll go for a ride with Ben, then head up to the Savoie to visit Didi on Friday.

And the most exciting news is my favourite person is due to arrive in less than two weeks. I am counting down the days until Jason’s arrival and cannot wait. I’ll continue getting my cycling form up to speed in the meantime, soaking up these dog days of summer.