I’ve been rather blue since Jason’s departure earlier this week. This is nothing new; I am always depressed after he leaves. There is so much fun activity while he is here the time whips by even though we try to appreciate all the moments.
What also makes things a bit blue is that it’s September. This is a tough month for me, the end of summer, the dwindling of light and heat. And for the last few years, it seems just a few days after Jason leaves, so does the good weather. Rain, cool and wind set in. It’s like instant autumn. In my memory September here is often quite summery right until the end. Or at least I know it has been, but the last few years, the weather has bottomed out halfway through the month.
So this year, I am crossing all my fingers and toes that we get one of those gorgeous months where it feels like summer until the bitter end. It’s looking a bit hit-and-miss. We’ve had some rain, some clouds, not too much wind, some heat, and some sun. Inconsistent would be a good word for it. But I keep hoping, as some of the forecasts show, the instability won’t last long, and we’ll be back to the sun and high 20s or even low 30s before long.
Today was one of those last summery days to soak up the heat. As I was cycling up to Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux—a climb that bakes in the sun—I appreciated that it might be the last time I truly feel hot on a bike this year. Not warm, but hot. I can never get enough heat, and there will still be many lovely days ahead, but for now I can’t seem to shake these blues…
Last days of the pool?
Signs of autumn.