Another year has passed and I am finally back “home” in Provence. I now have the time and motivation to get back to writing. This blog is a journal really; a memoir so when I get hazy, I can go back and relive some of my most treasured moments.
If I recall correctly, my first post from Provence last year referred to the zeitgeist and how the world seemed unhinged. If things were unhinged in 2016, it’s gone completely off the rails in 2017. What a strange year it’s been politically. It permeates everything around the globe, so it’s impossible for it not to impact your life. I have felt unbalanced, somewhat concerned and even frightened at times. Sometimes it almost seems unreal.
Thankfully to take my mind off things, there has been a great deal of travel this year. Travel always makes me feel normal and it puts things into perspective. The highlight of the year was a few days in New York City, where we hosted an event at the historic James Beard House. This was truly one of the most personally meaningful experiences of the year so far. There were also trips to BC, Ontario and even Seattle. It’s been a busy year, full of work and stress.
Finally, I have arrived back to beautiful blue skies, friends, an unexpected dinner invitation, the best home-grown tomatoes and fresh eggs courtesy of K1 & K2 and their hens at Mas Saint Antoine! I can breathe deeply the scents and sounds of Provence. This is the place I have been aching for all year, this year more than others. The thought of being back is what got me through the long, horrific, never-ending winter. It got me through every frustrating and difficult part. I often don’t understand why this place feels so calming and healthy to me, but it does. And I am lucky for it. Hello Provence, how I’ve missed you.
Main street into Beaumes de Venise with those perfect provençal Platanes trees.
The new and improved terrace with a spot in the shade to enjoy apéro hour!