It’s truly bizarre that every year we are all so surprised how quickly summer passes. It happens like this each and every year, but somehow we keep trying to convince ourselves this summer will last longer, this one will be different. But sadly, it’s not. It passes in the blink of an eye. Perhaps it’s because it’s such a special season we are desperate to hold on to it just a wee bit longer. Alas time marches on, and here we are, firmly into the month of October. How did that happen?
Autumn berries against a perfect blue sky.
And how did my time in Provence slip by so easily? It always feels short and now the light is lower, the days shorter too, the air more crisp and morning mists cling just a little longer on the hillsides. It’s the changing season into autumn, which is lovely in it’s own right. But this year, I am so delighted we’ve been given several reprieves, un été indien.
As a result, I have been soaking up every last minute I can in the heat and sunshine. However, in between bike rides and staring out to the beautiful landscapes, I've been busy with lunches and dinners with friends, visiting the monks for delicious nut bread (those monks sure can bake!), working, helping short-staffed friends harvest, being stymied by several herds of sheep and a little visit to Les Halles in Avignon. There is never a shortage of lovely moments and memories to hold on to through the coming dark winter months.
Every day I see the bright blue sky and feel sunshine kissing my skin I am reminded just how much I love this place. My days here are coming to a rapid close, and while I am very happy to go home to be with loved ones, I am so terribly sad to see my time in Provence come to an end. However, one of the great gifts of this limited amount of time is how it heightens my senses and makes everything seem even more magical. How lucky and how truly wonderful…
Morning mists.
Herds of sheep scattered all the way up the road to the top of Ventoux made for an interesting ride!