There you have it, another season in Provence comes to an end. This year was a little shorter than normal, so it flew by.
My last week in Provence passed in a bit of a haze, given the weather was particularly bizarre, windy and rainy, and I found myself with a sinus cold. Somehow it seems fitting, as it’s so much harder to leave when the weather is perfect. I like to think Provence was sad to see me leave, and displayed its gloom by sending bad weather. But I suppose that’s just a bit narcissistic, non?
I quickly popped into Paris for a short 24 hour visit, which is always fun. When you are on a timeline, you get a lot done. I ran around visiting shops I love, picking up little gifts for friends and family. After, I had my final meal, steak frites, at Le Relais l’Entrecôte. It’s a tightly packed bistro, and my neighbours were from Montreal. We had a lovely chat, en français. What a wonderful way to end my sojourn.
This season was an interesting one, from visitors to crazy weather. Most of my friends in Provence are gone until September, so the last month is always filled with a great deal more socializing. I will miss them, and Provence. However this year, things have shifted. And I think for the better. For the first time ever, I am happy to be heading back to Canada. I always feel sadness when I pack up, and this year is no different, but I really am happy to be going back home. This is a first, and I think Provence and I have now entered a new phase of our relationship. We’ve finally passed the extended honeymoon period, and I see Provence a little more clearly and honestly. It’s not this romantic fantasy, but real life. And with reality comes truth. It’s a good phase of any relationship when you love something or someone totally, not in spite of their faults, but because of them. If you love something and appreciate its lack of perfection, you have a relationship that can stand the test of time. And that’s where I am with Provence now. I know the ups and downs. So now I can love it while there, but also be happy when I am home. It’s a pretty nice to know that no matter where you are, you’re happy to be there—a perfect balance. Isn’t that what life is all about? Finding balance, love and joy.