This is the first time in years I can honestly say it feels like I was just here. The winter flew by, busy with endless work and back-to-normal-times amount of travel. I was lucky to go to Mexico twice, Toronto, and Vancouver. It certainly helped pass the time, and here I am again, back to the place which holds such an emotional grip on my soul.
One might assume I would have few stories to report having just arrived Friday. But I am as surprised as you to realize that assumption would be incorrect. In fact, my senses are overwhelmed by the abundance of pretty much everything. As this is slightly earlier than normal for me, and the weather has been unusually cool and wet until now, everything is a touch late and rather luscious. It’s so green everything is in bloom. There is a gorgeous, sweet, intoxicating scent, and I have only ever gotten the odd sniff of it here and there in the past. This year the smell is everywhere. I always assumed it was Jasmine, but I kept stopping and smelling plants to determine what it was but never found it. Finally, today I uncovered the mystery. It is indeed Jasmine.
Meanwhile, high up in the Drôme, the lavender still hasn’t bloomed, and the olive trees are just finishing blossoming. What a crazy thing. And don’t get me going about the produce. Springtime items are still available, like local green and white asparagus, rhubarb, cherries, and juicy, sweet strawberries. These are all alongside early peaches, fresh garlic, and melons. The only thing still not quite at its peak of deliciousness is tomatoes. It will be a test of my patience to wait for those beauties.
I also seemed to have timed my arrival perfectly as the weather appears to be turning to its usual summery ways with sunny skies, little wind, and delightful temperatures. No canicule in sight for the moment, just perfect 30-degree temperatures and blue skies. Of course, I’ve been out on the old Cramerotti a few times, pedalling around soaking up the smells, sights, and sounds.
And I am back on cat-sitting duty for a few weeks, which continues to be challenging for someone with extreme cat allergies. Alas, I have a functional system now, and the kitties and I have come to a fine understanding. Though Jura snuck into my room and got all cozy on my bed, the rascal. She clung to my covers with all her might, though I did manage to extract her. Now she seems to enjoy sleeping next to my bike saddle, which is kind of adorable.
Finally, I wanted to say thank you to everyone and anyone who reads my blathering on. It’s a diary of sorts for me, it gives me practice writing, which I enjoy. If it happens to bring some lightness to your day, cheers to that. We all need joy and beauty in any way we can find it.